Computer Annual Maintenance Contract

We offer a wide range of computer services. Some of our most popular services are listed here. If your needs are not listed, please contact us, and we will be more than happy to help you out, or at least steer you in the right direction.

???? Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (C.A.M.C)

12 months on site Including Labour + Spares Replacement of Spares, if available Routine preventive Maintenance Priority in Support Ideal for Serious user who think Time is Money

???? Non–Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (N.A.M.C.)

12 months on site Including Labour Routine preventive Maintenance Priority in Support Ideal for Big Installation Base.

???? On – Call Contract (O.C.C)

Charges per Problem No Replacement of Spares Low-Priority Compared to AMC Ideal for Budgeted User

???? On–Call Package (O.C.P)

User friendly package Discounted rates for Call Fixed rate for any type of Call Use within 24 months Ideal for SOHO (Small Office & Home User)